Preparatory studies for the seismic microzonation and the evaluation of the site effects

Our studies aim at defining the subsoil model in complex geological sectors, in order to support (i) seismic microzonation studies in urban contexts and (ii) activities related to geological and geophysical site characterisation. Our research method is based on detailed geological survey (> 1: 10.000), basic and thematic cartography, and geological-structural analysis in domains involved by tectonic structures (active or fossil). We constantly collaborate with colleagues pertaining to different scientific-disciplinary fields (geophysicists and engineers) to integrate the geological model with punctual and linear geophysical measurements and numerical modelling.

We have experience in different morpho-structural contexts (carbonate ridges, sedimentary basins, volcanic complexes) and in territorial contexts involved in land management activities during the emergency phases (Amatrice area).


Selected references

- Vignaroli G., Mancini M., Bucci F., Cardinali M., Cavinato G.P., Moscatelli M., Putignano M.L., Sirianni P., Santangelo M., and Working Group (in press). A 1:5,000 scale geological map for the central part of the Amatrice Basin (central Apennines, Italy). Journal of Maps.

- Vignaroli G., Giallini S., Polpetta F., Sirianni P., Gaudiosi I., Simionato M., Razzano R., Pagliaroli A., Moscatelli M., Mancini M., Cavinato G.P., Avalle A. (2018). Domains of seismic noise response in faulted limestone (central Apennines, Italy): insights into fault-related site effects and seismic hazard. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, doi: 10.1007/s10064-018-1276-8

- Gaudiosi I., Vignaroli G., Sirianni P., Giallini S., Mori F., Polpetta F., Razzano R, Simionato M., Moscatelli M. (2016). Local seismic response studies in the north-western portion of the August 24th, 2016 Mw 6.0 earthquake affected area. The case of Visso village (Central Apennines). Annals of Geophysics, 59, Fast Track 5, doi: 10.4401/ag–7258

- Moscatelli M., Vignaroli G., Pagliaroli A., Razzano R., Avalle A., Gaudiosi I., Giallini S., Mancini M., Simionato M., Sirianni P., Sottili G., Bellanova J., Calamita G., Perrone A., Piscitelli S., Lanzo G. Physical stratigraphy and geotechnical properties controlling local seismic response in explosive volcanic settings, the Stracciacappa maar (central Italy). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, doi: 10.1007/s10064-020-01925-5.