Cantonati M.; Spitale D., The role of environmental variables in structuring epiphytic and epilithic diatom assemblages in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps), «FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY», 2009, 174, pp. 117 - 133 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Lange-Bertalot H., On the ultrastructure of Chamaepinnularia schauppiana Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin (Naviculaceae s.l.), «DIATOM RESEARCH», 2009, 24, pp. 225 - 231 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Lange-Bertalot H., Geissleria gereckei sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from leaf-litter covered stones of very shaded carbonate mountain springs with extremely low discharge, «PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2009, 57, pp. 171 - 177 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Van De Vijver B.; Lange-Bertalot H., Microfissurata gen. Nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom genus from dystrophic and intermittently wet terrestrial habitats, «JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY», 2009, 45, pp. 732 - 741 [Scientific article]
Jimenez J.A.; Ciavola P.; Balouin Y.; Armaroli C.; Bosom E.; Gervais M., Geomorphic coastal vulnerability to storms in microtidal fetch-limited environments: Application to NW Mediterranean & N Adriatic Seas, «JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH», 2009, 56, pp. 1641 - 1645 [Scientific article]
McCallum A.M.; Andersen M.S.; Kelly B.F.J.; Giambastiani B.; Acworth R.I., Hydrological investigations of surface water-groundwater interactions in a sub-catchment in the Namoi Valley, NSW, Australia, in: Proc. of Symposium JS.2 at the Joint IAHS & IAH Convention, Hyderabad, India, September 2009, IAHS Publ., «IAHS PUBLICATION», 2009, pp. 157 - 166 (atti di: Joint IAHS & IAH Convention, Hyderabad, India, September 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
McDevitt A.D.; Mariani S.; Hebblewhite M.; Decesare N.J.; Morgantini L.; Seip D.; Weckworth B.V.; Musiani M., Survival in the Rockies of an endangered hybrid swarm from diverged caribou (Rangifer tarandus) lineages, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY», 2009, 18, pp. 665 - 679 [Scientific article]
Anwar, Sk Morshed; Musiani, Marco; McDermid, Greg; Marceau, Danielle, How do human activities shape wolves' behavior in the central Rocky Mountains region, Alberta, Canada?, in: SpringSim '09 - Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 2009, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Spring Simulation Multiconference, San Diego, California, 22 - 27 March, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Anderson T.M.; VonHoldt B.M.; Candille S.I.; Musiani M.; Greco C.; Stahler D.R.; Smith D.W.; Padhukasahasram B.; Randi E.; Leonard J.A.; Bustamante C.D.; Ostrander E.A.; Tang H.; Wayne R.K.; Barsh G.S., Molecular and evolutionary history of melanism in North American gray wolves, «SCIENCE», 2009, 323, pp. 1339 - 1343 [Scientific article]
Muhly T.B.; Musiani M., Livestock depredation by wolves and the ranching economy in the Northwestern U.S, «ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS», 2009, 68, pp. 2439 - 2450 [Scientific article]
Barsh, GS; Anderson, TM; Vonholdt, BM; Candille, SI; Musiani, M; Stahler, DR; Leonard, JA; Padhukasahasram, B; Randi, E; Bustamante, CD; Ostrander, EA; Tang, H; Wayne, RK, Response - How the Gray Wolf Got Its Color, «SCIENCE», 2009, 325, pp. 34 - 34 [Comment or similar]
Musiani, Marco; Boitani, Luigi; Paquet, Paul C., A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary Press, 2009, pp. 285 . [Editorship]
Weckworth, Byron; McDevitt, Allan; Mariani, Stefano; Hebblewhite, Mark; DeCesare, Nicholas; Morgantini, Luigi; Seip, Dale; Musiani, Marco, Mixing it up after the Ice Age: Post-Pleistocene genetic and behavioral dynamics of partially migratory caribou in the Canadian Rockies, in: 94th ESA ANNUAL MEETING - PROGRAM/BOOK OF ABSTRACT, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 94th ESA ANNUAL MEETING, Albuquerque Convention Center - Albuquerque, New Mexico, 02-07 August, 2009) [Abstract]
DeCesare, Nick; Hebblewhite, Mark; Smith, Kirby G.; Weckworth, Byron; Musiani, Marco, The demographic consequences of partial migration among woodland caribou in fragmented landscapes, in: 94th ESA ANNUAL MEETING, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 94th ESA ANNUAL MEETING, Albuquerque Convention Center - Albuquerque, New Mexico, 02-07 August, 2009) [Abstract]
Musiani, Marco, A Wolf in Dog's Clothing, in: L. Smith, Why the Ceetah Cheats and other Mysteries of the Natural World, Winterbourne, Berkshire, Papadakis Publisher, 2009, pp. 1 - 240 [Chapter or essay]
Musiani, M.; Boitani, L.; Paquet PC., Newly Recovering Wolf Populations Produce New Trends in Human Attitudes and Policy, in: M. Musiani, L. Boitani, P. Paquet, A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes and Policy, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary Press, 2009, pp. 1 - 282 [Chapter or essay]
Gerecke, Reinhard; Franz, Helmut; Cantonati, Marco, Invertebrate diversity in springs of the National Park Berchtesgaden (Germany): relevance for long-term monitoring, «VERHANDLUNGEN - INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FUR THEORETISCHE UND ANGEWANDTE LIMNOLOGIE», 2009, 30, pp. 1229 - 1233 [Scientific article]
Marco Cantonati; Ermanno Bertuzzi; Alessia Scalfi; Valentina Campana, The potential importance for spring conservation of residual habitats after flow capturing: A case study, «VERHANDLUNGEN - INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FUR THEORETISCHE UND ANGEWANDTE LIMNOLOGIE», 2009, 30, pp. 1267 - 1270 [Scientific article]
Polina Lemenkova, Quality assessment of data from CHRIS/PROBA, in: Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation Data, 2009(atti di: Course report, 'Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation Data', Southampton, UK, 1 November 2009) [Poster]
Polina Lemenkova, Conservation Area Designation in the Andes, in: Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation Data, 2009(atti di: Course report, 'Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation Data', Southampton, UK, 26 November 2009) [Poster]