Professional staff: Organization chart


The Administrative manager is Dr. Annalena Esposito

The Manager supervises, plans and organizes the services, assists in budget preparation, supervises budgetary accounting, ensures that uniform financial procedures are maintained and provides the Department with economical, efficient and effective services relating to supplies, equipment and buildings.Furthermore, the Manager carries out the plans, programs and directives defined by the Department Authorities (Head and Council Committee of the Department).

Msc in Business Economy – University Luigi Bocconi, (Milan); Master in Public Administration – Education and Studies Centre for the Public Administration (Rome).

The manager for library services is Mirco Travaglini


  • Annalena Esposito

    Area delle Elevate Professionalità - Settore amministrativo - gestionale

    BiGeA - Servizi amministrativi

    Piazza di Porta San Donato 1

    Bologna (BO)

    Tel: +39 051 20 9 4133

  • Mirco Travaglini

    Area dei Funzionari - Settore delle biblioteche

    ARPAC - Settore Biblioteca di Matematica, Fisica e Informatica, e Biblioteca di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche ed Ambientali

    Via Selmi 3

    Bologna (BO)

    Tel: +39 051 20 9 4151