Natural resources and sustainable use of aquatic ecosystems
The group monitors and studies the biology, ecology and population dynamics of marine species (fish, crustaceans and molluscs) and how these vary in time and space in relation to multiple stressors (e.g. fishery, climate, eutrophication) and changes of the food web. The group monitors and studies also the spatio-temporal changes of the structure and function of the marine ecosystems.
From an applied perspective, the aim of the group is to evaluate the status of the commercial biological resources and of the ecosystem in the Mediterranean, with particular focus on the Adriatic Sea. The group furnishes to the national and international relevant authorities the biological information and the scientific analyses needed for a sustainable management of the fishery. Specifically, the group contributes to the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
The research group operates mainly in the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries of Fano: Research is often carried out within the National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences (CoNISMa).
Research topics
1) Biology, ecology and population dynamics for a sustainable use of fisheries resources
2) Food webs, biodiversity and integrated evaluation of the status of marine ecosystems
ERC subjects
LS8_1 Ecosystem and community ecology, macroecology
LS8_2 Biodiversity, conservation biology, conservation genetics
LS8_3 Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics
LS8_8 Coevolution, biological mechanisms and ecology of species interactions (e.g. symbiosis, parasitism, mutualism, food-webs)
LS8_11 Marine biology and ecology
LS9_3 Applied animal sciences (including animal breeding, veterinary sciences, animal husbandry, animal welfare, aquaculture, fisheries, insect gene drive)
SH2_6 Sustainability sciences, environment and resources
1) Biology, ecology and population dynamics for a sustainable use of fisheries resources (Prof. Michele Casini)
In the mid and northern Adriatic, the commercial populations (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans) are monitored with scientific bottom trawl surveys, carried out by the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries of Fano onboard research vessels. Currently, the research group uses the vessel “Pasquale e Cristina” for the sampling.
During these surveys, the catches and the sizes of the species are registered and successively the biological samples are analysed in the laboratory to estimate the growth rate (through calcified structures, such as the fish “ear stones”), sex and maturity stage. This allows to follow the individual growth and productivity of the populations in time and space. The evaluation of the resource status is then performed applying to the collected data mathematical models of population dynamics that describe the temporal development of the catches and abundances and the factors influencing them (growth rates, fishing mortality and recruitment).
The survey performed by the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries of Fano is integrated with the surveys from the other Mediterranean countries for the evaluation of the resource status within specific management areas. This monitoring is within the MEDITS project (Mediterranean International Trawl Survey) financed by the European Commission within the Data Collection Framework and contribute to the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy.
Other focused surveys are performed to investigate the populations living in deep waters such as cephalopods and sharks, combined with genetic analyses for studies of population structure, in collaboration with other Research Groups.
The data collected are used for biological analysis in the laboratory and statistical modeling to investigate the spatio-temporal changes of the populations and their causes, and are used at the EC and FAO lavel.
During the surveys, additional data and samples are also collected for other Research Groups, both within UNIBO and outside.
Within the Data Collection Framework, it is included also the project DRES (Dredgers Mollusc Surveys), a monitoring of clams and other bivalves in the coastal areas off Pesaro, Rimini and Ravenna, as well as Chioggia, Venezia and Monfalcone, in coordination with other research Institutes monitoring in other regions. The monitoring is performed in collaboration with the Molluscs Management Consortia and contributes to the management of the national fisheries.
2) Food webs, biodiversity and integrated evaluation of the status of marine ecosystems (Prof. Michele Casini)
To protect the marine environment, a deeper and holistic understanding of the impact of human activities on the ecosystems is needed. In this context, it is necessary the use of an ecosystem approach to the management of the human activities that integrates the conservation goals and the sustainable use of the resources. To reach this objective, the monitoring and integrated evaluation of ecosystem status at different hierarchical levels is necessary, along with a better knowledge of ecological interactions that determine ecosystem functioning.
In the Mediterranean, the commercial populations (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans) are monitored with annual scientific bottom trawl surveys. In the mid and northern Adriatic Sea, these surveys are carried out by the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries of Fano using research vessels. This monitoring is within the MEDITS project (Mediterranean International Trawl Survey) financed by the European Commission within the Data Collection Framework. Currently, le project monitors also other components of the marine environment, such as the benthos and the plastics.
The data collected during this survey are analysed using mathematical models of biodiversity and ecological status of the marine environment, from both the structural and functional points of view. The spatio-temporal changes of the communities and ecosystems are also related to external factors such as fishing effort, climate change and eutrophication, to individuate the better management strategies to maintain or re-establish a good environmental status. Diet analyses are also performed, using both traditional and molecular methods, to study in depth trophic interactions and ecosystem dynamics.
This monitoring and the evaluation of ecosystem status, along with the study of its dynamics, contribute to the implementation of the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive and to foster an ecosystem approach to management.
Other projects
“Decarbonisation of the fishing fleet in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (DecarbonyT)”, Framework Contract for the provision of scientific advice for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, EU DG/Mare, EASME/EMFF/2020/OP/0021.
“Support coherent and coordinated assessment of biodiversity and measures across Mediterranean for the next 6-year cycle of MSFD implementation (ABIOMMED)”, EU DG/Environment (DG ENV/MSFD2020).
Michele Casini (PO)
Groups members
Chiara Manfredi (PhD, Technician)
Marco Stagioni (PhD, Technician)
Federico Maioli (PhD student, 36° cycle)
Other members
Sonia Alessandrini (collaborator CoNISMa)
Alessandra Anibaldi (collaborator CoNISMa)
Marco Pinca (collaborator CoNISMa)
Alessandra Carnaroli (collaborator CoNISMa)
Maria Rita Amico (collaboratrice CoNISMa)
Useful sites
National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences (CoNISMa):
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM):
Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF):
National and international collaborations
In the MEDITS project within the Data Collection Framework: CIBM Livorno, University of Cagliari, COISPA Bari, CNR-IRBIM Ancona, University of Bari. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia. National Research Institute, Slovenia.
In the DRES project: University of Bari, Unimar Roma, CNR-IRBIM Ancona, Coop MARE Cattolica, Consorzi di Gestione Molluschi, Agriteco Mestre.
Agencies for the management of biological resources. International: FAO-GFCM, FAO-AdriaMed, EC-DG Mare, ICCAT. National: DG Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture of MASAF, Fisheries regional offices.
Fisheries industry: Alleanza Cooperativa, Associazione Piscicoltori, Associazione Molluschicoltura.
For other national and international collaborations, see the teacher’s website