Dissemination of geological knowledge to the broad public

Our activity is focused on education, especially at schools (students, pupils and their teachers), and dissemination of Earth knowledge to the laymen and the passionate audience. As for the educational goals, our approach is based on seminars, guided field trips, visits to exhibitions in addition to training courses for secondary school teachers. Dissemination is provided through conferences, divulgation volumes, temporary and permanent exhibitions and guided geological excursions.

At the same time, during the last 10 years, we have started to conceptualize and publish our approach to modern and innovative strategies concocted both for educational and dissemination purposes and, in addition, presented and discussed in workshops and seminars.

Training courses useful to high school teachers are scheduled. The initiative provides daily trips around Carnic Alps and indoor lessons, in order to exemplify the educational use of the geological heritage. The activity has three distinct lines:

  • Museology and Museography (C. Venturini, F. Pasquaré Mariotto)
  • Popularization of Earth Sciences (C. Venturini, F. Pasquaré Mariotto, G. Muscio)
  • Earth Sciences Education (C. Venturini, F. Pasquaré Mariotto, L. Cantelli)


National collaborations:

Prof. Federico Pasquaré Mariotto, Università dell’Insubria

Prof. Silvio Seno, Università di Pavia

Prof. Furio Finocchiaro, Università di Trieste

Dr. Giuseppe Muscio, Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, Comune di Udine

Dr. Chiara Piano, Reg. Aut. Friuli V.G., Servizio Geologico


International collaborations:

Prof. Dr. Roberto Greco, Instituto de Geociências - Campinas - SP, BRASIL

Prof. Hans Peter Schonlaub, Universität Wien, AUSTRIA

Prof. Chris King, Keele University, Keele, UK


Web sites:

http://www.corradoventurini.it The website stores materials (.ppt, video-conferences, images,…) realized during the last five-year activity of the proposer, with free use materials.

www.edu-geo.it Resp. G.G. Zuffa; coordinatore C. Venturini; vice-coord. L. Cantelli.

The project offer 7 geological qualified field trips spread on the Italian territory. They are available to students and teachers of the high school.

http://www.geo-social.net/ The website is operated by F.A. Pasquaré Mariotto (Associate professor at Insubria Univ.); I am among the founding and associated members of the geo-social, an association dedicated to the Earth Science outrich. The website (in english) provides real-time summary information on the main events related to Earth Science, geo-resources, environmental risks, global warming, volcanic, seismic and hydro-geological hazards, new discoveries and current opinions about Geosciences; in addition, the site follows the present planetary missions, movie trailers and documentaries linked to Earth and Astronomical Sciences.

http://www.settimanaterra.org The website is a showcase for the annually Week of the Planet Earth (October), conceived by R. Coccioni (Professor at University of Urbino) and S. Seno (Professor at University of Pavia). The goal is to discover and valorise the geological heritage of Italy through geo-trips, exhibition guided visits, educational and experimental workshops, conferences and so on. I myself am among the four which, together the two founders, form the scientific and technical committee.



http://www.treccani.it/scuola/lezioni/in_aula/biologia_e_chimica/carte_geologiche/venturini.html VENTURINI C., 2000 - Dalle carte geologiche, le antiche storie del territorio. Treccani Scuola.

http://www.edu-geo.it/escursioni/FR1/scheda_introduttiva_fr1.html VENTURINI C. (con la coll. di D. GARUTI & K. DISCENZA), 2008 - Edu-Geo - Escursione Friuli V.G. 1. Splendore e rovina di un antico lago: 10.000 anni fa - Presente (Quaternario, Olocene) Valle del Torrente But (Alpi Carniche, Italia NE).

http://www.edu-geo.it/escursioni/SATERNO/scheda_introduttiva_er1.html VENTURINI C. & G.G. ZUFFA (con la coll. di S. MARANI), 2008 - Edu-Geo - Escursione Emilia-Romagna 1. Mediterraneo, da mare profondo a lago salato: da 15 a 5 milioni di anni fa (Miocene). Valle del Fiume Santerno Toscana ed Emilia-Romagna, Appennino settentrionale.

http://www.corradoventurini.it/cor/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/corrado-venturini-edu-geo-un-territorio-laboratorio.pdf  Dalla rivista TREKKINg, ottobre 2009.

http://www.corradoventurini.it/cor/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Il-grande-GEOGIOCO-della-Regione-FVG.jpg  VENTURINI C. & VENTURINI M., 2014 - Il grande Geogioco del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Gioco da tavolo. Regione Aut. Friuli Venezia Giulia, Servizio geologico, 80 x 80 cm.

http://www.corradoventurini.it/cor/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Ti-mostro-la-mostra-1-192.compressed-ilovepdf-compressed.pdf VENTURINI C., 2016 - Ti mostro la mostra: Quando Pramollo stava all’equatore. Catalogo e guida della Mostra. Comune di Pontebba (UD), Alea Ed., 192 pp.