DFT - Deformation, Fluids and Tectonics

Areas: Geology

The “Deformation, Fluids and Tectonics - DFT” research group studies a broad range of research lines that reflect the long and diverse scientific careers of its members, but whose diversity converges in the broad overarching theme of deformation, fluids and tectonics. So far we have enjoyed ourselves with the research themes listed below, but we remain always open to new ideas, studies and possibilities of collaboration in the broad field of structural geology and tectonics.

Lines of research

ERC Sectors

  • PE10_5 Geology, tectonics, volcanology
  • PE10_11 Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics
  • PE10_7 Physics of earth’s interior, seismology, volcanology
  • PE10_11 Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics


Giulio Viola (PO)


Group members:

William Cavazza (PO)

Corrado Venturini (PA)

Luigi Cantelli (RU)

Paolo Garofalo (RU)

Luigi Selli (RU)

Gianluca Vignaroli (RTDb)

Alberto Ceccato (post-doc)

Francesco Giuntoli (post-doc)

Giulia Tartaglia (PhD candidate)

Thomas Gusmeo (PhD candidate)

Costantino Zuccari (PhD candidate)

Francesca Stendardi (PhD candidate)


Other members

National collaborations

Prof. Federico Pasquaré Mariotto (University of Insubria, Varese)

Prof. Silvio Seno (University of Pavia, Pavia)

Dr. Giuseppe Muscio (Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, Udine)

Dr. Chiara Piano (Reg. Aut. Friuli V.G., Servizio Geologico)

Prof. Dr. Roberto Greco (Instituto de Geociências - Campinas - SP, Brasile)

Prof. Hans Peter Schonlaub (Universität Wien, Austria)

Prof. Chris King, Keele (University, Keele, UK)

Prof. Horst Zwingmann (University of Kyoto, Japan)

Prof. Alexander Graham-Gundlach, Prof. Gunnar Schwarz e Prof. Detlef Günther (ETH Zurich)

Dr. Ivan Callegari (GUtech, Oman); Dott. Jussi Mattila – (Posiva Oy Finlandia)

Dr. Raymond Munier – (SKB Sweden)

Dr. Luca Menegon and Dr. Mark Anderson  (University of Plymouth, UK)

  Laboratory at the Geological Survey of Norway



The DFT research members acknowledge the use of the MOVE Software Suite granted by Petroleum Experts Limited through an Educational Institution Licence Agreement. Petroleum Experts Limited has generously donated to our research group 10 licences, which are equivalent to UK Sterling 1.341.961,89.