Effetti e mitigazione degli stress ambientale multipli a scala locale e globale

I nostri scopi sono di produrre le conoscenze scientifiche le tecnologie e diffondere nell’opinione pubblica la consapevolezza necessaria al fine di comprendere l’esistenza e l’impatto ecologico delle diverse fonti antropiche di stress che agiscono sui più importanti ecosistemi acquatici, e sviluppare scenari di mitigazione e innovativi strumenti di supporto alle decisioni.
Lavoriamo in una varietà di ambienti costieri, marini, salmastri, e d'acqua dolce sempre più fortemente minacciati da fenomeni di deterioramento diffuso. Integriamo ricerca sperimentale di laboratorio e sul campo a livello ecologico ed ecotossicologico per:
- identificare, quantificare e mappare gli effetti combinati delle numerose attività antropiche e comprendere tali pressioni antropiche agiscano sinergicamente portando al progressivo degrado, alla frammentazione e alla perdita di habitat e della biodiversità associata su scala locale, regionale e globale,
- capire come i cambiamenti climatici e le attività antropiche interagiscano nel determinare il degrado, la frammentazione e la perdita degli ecosistemi delle spiagge sabbiose, e della biodiversità ad esse associata,
- sviluppare degli indicatori per lo stato di salute degli ecosistemi e in grado di rilevare i segni precoci di stress,
- sviluppare tecnologie innovative per la ricerca scientifica subacquea,
- identificare i possibili meccanismi ecologici in grado di aumentare la resistenza dei sistemi naturali sottoposti a stress e sviluppare modelli per strategie di gestione sostenibile nell’ambito degli attuali scenari o di quelli futuri,
- valutare le proprietà ecotossicologiche dei nuovi contaminanti e di materiali innovativi tramite test di laboratorio, tecniche statistiche e modelli matematici,
- sviluppare misure e indici di integrità per gli ambienti bentonici utilizzabili nei programmi di monitoraggio a lungo termine.
- “Direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms” PLASTOX (JPI Oceans)
- “Reliable and innovative technology for the realization of a sustainable MARINe And coastal seabedmanagement PLAN” LIFE MARINAPLAN PLUS (Grant Agreement n. LIFE15 ENV/IT/000391)
- "Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, THESEUS", FP7- Grant 244104
- “Assessment of the effects on Pialassa Baiona of the thermal discharge of the Porto Corsini Power Station” Supported by ENEL
- Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN)“Coastal bioconstructions: structures, functions, and management” (Call 2010-2011; Prot. 2010Z8HJ5M; 2013-2015) and “Reef ReseArcH - Resistance and resilience of Adriatic mesophotic biogenic habitats to human and climate change threats” (Call 205; Prot. 2015J922E4; 2017-2020).
- “Training Network for Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas” (MMMPA), a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (Call FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN; Grant Agreement no.: 290056; 2012-2015)
- “TETRIS - Observing, modelling and Testing synergies and TRade-offs for the adaptive management of multiple Impacts in coastal Systems” (PRIN 2010-2011 grant 2010PBMAXP_003).
Collaborazioni internazionali
Departamento de Ecología e Hidrología, Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, España
ECOMERS laboratory, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
Department of Zoology-Marine Biology, University of Athens, Greece
Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavyssos, Greece
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Marine Biology Research Group, Department of Biology, Ghent University, Campus Sterre S8, Krijgslaan 281, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Department of Estuarine and Delta systems, Korringaweg 7, 4401 NT Yerseke, Netherlands
SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Environmental Technology Department, Trondheim, Norway
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Göteborg Sweden
Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Zürich, Switzerland
Pubblicazioni principali (anni 2013-2017)
- Salieri B, Pasteris A, Netkueakul W, Hischier, R. (2017) Key physicochemical properties of nanomaterials in view of their toxicity: an exploratory systematic investigation for the example of carbon-based nanomaterial.
- J Nanopart Res 19: 116 Campisi T, Samorì C, Torri C, Barbera G, Foschini A, Kiwan A, Galletti P, Tagliavini E, Pasteris A (2016) Chemical and ecotoxicological properties of three bio-oils from pyrolysis of biomasses. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 132: 87−93.
- Cerrano C, Milanese M, Ponti M (2016) Diving for science - science for diving: Volunteer scuba divers support science and conservation in the Mediterranean Sea. Aquat Conserv: in press
- Faraponova O, Giacco E, Biandolino F, Prato E, Del Prete F, Valenti A, Sarcina S, Pasteris A, Montecavalli A, Comin S, Cesca C, Francese M, Cigar M, Piazza V, Falleni F, Lacchetti I (2016) Tigriopus fulvus: The interlaboratory comparison of the acute toxicity test Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 124: 309−314
- Fava F, Ponti M, Abbiati M (2016) Role of recruitment processes in structuring coralligenous benthic assemblages in the Northern Adriatic continental shelf. PLoS ONE 11:e0163494
- Macura B, Lönnstedt O, Byström P, Airoldi L, Eriksson BK, Rudstam L, Støttrup J. 2016. What is the impact on fish recruitment of anthropogenic physical and structural habitat change in shallow nearshore areas in temperate systems? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 5: 10
- Ponti M, Fratangeli F, Dondi N, Segre Reinach M, Serra C, Sweet MJ (2016) Baseline reef health surveys at Bangka Island (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) reveal new threats. PeerJ 4:e2614
- Ponti M, Grech D, Mori M, Perlini RA, Ventra V, Panzalis PA, Cerrano C (2016) The role of gorgonians on the diversity of vagile benthic fauna in Mediterranean rocky habitats. Mar Biol 163:1-14
- Wong JXW, Colen C Van, Airoldi L (2015) Nutrient levels modify saltmarsh responses to increased inundation in different soil types. Mar Environ Res 104:37–46
- Zanuttigh B., Martinelli L., Bozzeda F., Colangelo M.A., Pietrantoni L., Zagonari F., Prati G. (2015). Risk assessment and mitigation in a low-lyingcoastal area: Cesenatico, Nortern Italy. In: Zanuttigh, Nicholls, Vanderlinden, Thompson, Burcharth Eds, Coastal Risk Management in a Changing Climate. Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, pp. 472-505
- Mateos-Molina D, Palma M, Ruiz-Valentín I, Panagos P, García-Charton JA, Ponti M (2015) Assessing consequences of land cover changes on sediment deliveries to coastal waters at regional level over the last two decades in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Coast Manage 116:435-442
- Franzitta G, Hanley ME, Airoldi L, Baggini C, Bilton DT, Rundle SD, Thompson RC (2015) Home advantage? Decomposition across the freshwater-estuarine transition zone varies with litter origin and local salinity. Mar Environ Res 110:1–7
- Salieri B, Righi S, Pasteris A, Olsen SI (2015) Freshwater ecotoxicity characterisation factor for metal oxide nanoparticles: A case study on titanium dioxide nanoparticle. Sci Tot Environ 505: 494−502.
- Samorì C, Campisi T, Fagnoni M, Galletti P, Pasteris A, Pezzolesi L, Protti S, Ravelli D, Tagliavini E (2015) Pyrrolidinium-based Ionic Liquids: Aquatic Ecotoxicity, Biodegradability, and Algal Subinhibitory Stimulation. ACS Sustainable Chem Eng 3: 1860−1865.
- Strain EMA., Belzen J van, Dalen J van, Bouma TJ, Airoldi L (2015) Management of local stressors can improve the resilience of marine canopy algae to global stressors. PLoS One 10:e0120837
- Hanley M.E., Hoggart S.P.G., Simmonds D.J., Bichot A., Colangelo M.A., Bozzeda F., Heurtefeux H., Ondiviela B., Ostrowski R., Recio M., Trude R., Zawadzka-Kahlau E., Thompson R.C.(2014). Shifting sands? Coastal protection by sand banks, beaches and dunes. Coastal Engineering, 87: 136-146, ISSN 0378-3839
- Ponti M, Perlini RA, Ventra V, Grech D, Abbiati M, Cerrano C (2014) Ecological shifts in Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages related to gorgonian forest loss. PLoS ONE 9:e102782
- Strain EMA, Thomson RJ, Micheli F, Mancuso FP, Airoldi L (2014) Identifying the interacting roles of stressors in driving the global loss of canopy-forming to mat-forming algae in marine ecosystems. Glob Chang Biol 20:3300–3312